Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Uncle Jack Meets The humble Farmer

posted by Uncle Jack at 6:58 AM
Comments [1]


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Uncle Jack meets the Humble Farmer, 6/21/2007

Uncle Jack first heard the radio show called "The Humble Farmer" last September when he and Mrs. U.J. visited Camden for the first time. It's a simple show consisting of one hour of what Humble calls "old fashioned music" interspersed with his commentaries, which he calls "rants", on whatever comes to his well stocked mind---all delivered in an authentic Maine accent which he comes by naturally having lived in St. George, Maine all his life.

When Uncle Jack first heard the show he thought it was one of the funniest programs he had ever heard in his life and having listened to dozens more in the past few months he has no reason to change his opinion. The Humble Farmer, aka Robert Skoglund, is a very funny man who also has exquisite taste in jazz music of the 20's and 30's which also happens to be Uncle Jack's favorite kind.

Humble has been entertaining New Englanders (Uncle Jack's daughter Emily listened to him faithfully when she lived in Massachusetts twenty years ago) on Maine Public Radio for nearly three decades. He has a huge following in these parts who were devastated a week ago when the arch-conservative idiots who currently run Maine Public Radio unceremoniously booted him off the air for making unacceptable (to them) political comments.

Fortunately for his listeners he continues to produce his program each week which can be heard through his website until such time that the right wing poobahs at MPR can be made to see the error of their ways.

Uncle Jack's birthday dawned bright and beautiful this morning and he could not think of a better way to celebrate it than by driving down to St. George in the Mini and saying hello to Humble and his wife, Marsha, whom he calls "the almost perfect woman". He also wanted to present Humble with a gift he imported from Minnesota, namely a cap inscribed "It's Hard to be Humble When You're Swedish", which Robert Skoglund, like U.J., happens to be.

Even though we were unexpected visitors the Skoglunds greeted us like we were old friends and by the time we left an hour later, staggering under armloads of fresh rhubarb and pieces of blueberry cake baked by Marsha this morning, we actually felt like old friends.

If you like to laugh by all means check out the Humble Farmer's website which is a hoot in itself.

Unless you are a very strange person you will be glad you did.

click for larger image The Humble Farmer with visitors from Outer Space


Sorry Uncle Jack. The humble Farmer doesn't know how to put pictures on his blog.

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