Monday, March 8, 2010

A Green Governor For Maine

David Bright writes:

This weekend Jean and I spent a lot of time in Hancock County looking for members of the Maine Green Party to sign nomination papers for Lynne Williams.

At one point we ended up driving down this long dirt driveway to a small rural home where we were greeted by a couple of enthusiastic canines and their person, who wanted to know (the person, not the dogs) all about Lynne -- who she was, where she was from, what she did.

When I told him she was a lawyer he said "I don't like most most lawyers, and I don't like most politicians, especially those two woman we have in the U.S. Senate."

"Then, you'll like Lynne," I told him, "because she represents every person who gets arrested in Collins' or Snowe's office."

"Well if that's the case," the guy says, "how is she ever going to find enough time to be governor?"

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