Thursday, June 14, 2007

Intersting Letter to The humble Farmer about Iraq --- as many contractors in Iraq as there are US troops and we have no control over them

As for Iraq, my son in-law's brother just returned safely from his third tour there. He volunteered all three times.

He is very bright (graduated Stanford and Harvard Law), but seems drawn to dangerous situations.

He originally joined the Marines as an ordinary grunt after graduating Harvard, and tried for the SEALs.

They discovered he had a law degree, made him an officer, and put him to work prosecuting penny-ante drug offenses by 19 year old recruits on US bases who were awaiting deployment.

Life in the military is either stark terror or complete and total boredom.

He got tired of prosecuting people for being bored and stupid, so he now leads men on combat patrols.

One of his interesting observations is that there are about as many contractors in Iraq as there are US troops, and we have little to no control over them.

Hopefully, he will stay home for a while now, as he returns to his day job - DEA enforcement agent, awaiting deployment to Columbia or Ecuador...


You can hear humble's radio program for this week on humble's web page: A page of links to humble's fun-filled radio show.

Did you know that Robert Skoglund, The humble Farmer, stands on stages and tells funny stories?

Ask humble to entertain you and your friends with dry stories like these:

2/22/07 Christian Science Monitor Profile on humble

You can visit humble and Marsha at their Bed & Breakfast on the coast of Maine.

You are invited to stop by for supper anytime.

Robert Karl Skoglund
785 River Road
St. George, ME 04860

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